EDDY Awards: Celebrating and learning from our best teachers

艾迪奖, an annual event to celebrate Duval County's leading teachers, 是一个历史悠久的传统,并已发展成为其新的使命,以提升杰克逊维尔最好的老师的角色.



J. Allen Axson Montessori School

Allison is a truly dynamic educator. She is a trained Montessori Teacher and believes strongly in the Montessori Method. She is a constant advocate for young learners. In the eleven years that Ms. 贝尔一直在J. Allen Axson, she has taught Pre-K, 3, 4 and 5 year olds.

As a leader in her school, Ms. 贝尔致力于为高效教学树立榜样,并通过分享课程来帮助她的同事们做到这一点, materials and working collaboratively to grow their success across all grade levels. 在过去的三年里,她还担任了K - 2年级阅读和写作的教师教练. 通过辅导,. 贝尔培养了对写作教学的热爱,并领导她的年级创建了一个标准驱动和适合年龄的写作标准.

Allison takes pride in her work and mentors new teachers on her team. For the past several summers, 她来学校帮助一年级老师在预先规划之前设置蒙特梭利教室. 她的校长写道, “艾利森是一位真正的大师老师,她非常努力地与学生和家庭一起工作,以确保他们得到最好的教育. 她很受家长的欢迎,是我小学阶段最需要的老师之一.”




威廉·米. 雷恩斯高中

迈克尔Bostic-Jones currently serves as U. 历史老师, Social Studies department chair, 领导团队成员, Rainesmen sponsor and an athletic coach. 作为一名教师. Bostic-Jones provides instructional support to a unique group of students. 他建立富有成效的关系的能力和扎实的知识,帮助他成为一个受人尊敬的领导者在他的角色作为一个教育家.

Michael is not your average teacher, 因为他的高水平的教师效能在他为学生所做的一切中都是真实的. 他不断反思自己的童年经历,并利用每一个机会给学生提供他在寄养系统中长大并在多所学校上学所缺乏的东西. “太好了!在他监督学生从一节课转到下一节课时,这句话经常在走廊里回响.

Mr. 博斯蒂克-琼斯通过教学接触学生的天生能力超越了教室的四面墙. 作为一个历史老师, he plans lessons that will journey the students through the various eras, the United States and regions of the world through his genuinely engaging delivery. 他的童年被禁锢在一个被剥夺的环境中, Michael has worked hard to provide his students opportunities to break those locks. He has raised funds that have allowed him, 在过去的两年里, to take students to Costa Rica to provide volunteer services, 在另一个国家的文化中获得经验,最终意识到他们可以做任何事情, go anywhere and be anything they dream. He is a dream weaver for many of his students.



弗兰克·H. Peterson Academies of Technology

夫人. Hultgren introduces students to the agricultural world and makes them part owners. She engages the business world in the program through classroom demonstrations, 实地考察旅行, 指导和实习. 夫人. Hultgren接受了挑战,确保彼得森农业科学/生物技术学院的大四学生成功获得兽医或动物收容所实习的机会. 通过她的努力, 农业科学/生物技术学院被国家职业学院联盟指定为“国家模范学院”.

A former student says that she would not be where she is today were it not for 夫人. Hultgren’s constant encouragement and challenge to do better. That same student lost her best friend in a car accident in her senior year. 她写道,夫人. Hultgren comforted her and encouraged her to keep pushing through and not give up.

冬青Hultgren的工作鼓舞了她的学生、学校和全国的教育工作者. She has achieved 100% graduation rate from her academy. She does not just teach students, she prepares them for a lifetime of service, 协作, 创新, integrity equity and excellence. 随着国家审视职业技术教育(CTE)的重要性和影响,, 冬青Hultgren is on the forefront of that movement.



Reynolds Lane Elementary School

夫人. Stetson is a shining star at Reynolds Lane. Her positive attitude and willingness to help others is an inspiration to everyone. 她对所有的学生都有一种特殊的喜爱,并把帮助每一个学生取得成功作为她的个人使命. 她对学生和工作的热情令人振奋,使她的课堂成为一个学习的好环境.

夫人. Stetson’s classroom is an amazing place to learn. It is bright, inviting, and full of students’ work. She is a math whiz, who involves her students in hands-on, interactive lessons. She leaves a lasting impression on her students. She not only strives for the very best in her classroom, but she also works to ensure that the school is a wonderful place to work and learn.

夫人. 斯泰森在课堂上和学校里不断展示出杰出的领导能力. 她是一个有上进心的人,每天都努力为学生提供最好的教育. Although she is truly a master of her craft, 她拥抱任何专业发展的机会,并经常寻找新的方式,以有趣和吸引人的方式向学生展示材料,以增加他们的理解.

凯特琳·斯泰森(Caitlyn斯泰森毡帽)的学生经常开始模仿他们老师的成长心态. This contributes to a classroom culture in which everyone is growing, learning and striving for high achievement every day.


Latrece 棕色(的)-Sudduth

Andrew Robinson Elementary

2017 Florida Blue Duval County Teacher of the Year

在第26届年度EDDY奖上,拉特雷斯·布朗被评为2017年佛罗里达州蓝杜瓦尔县年度教师. 棕色(的), a fourth grade math and science teacher at Andrew Robinson, was selected by a committee of volunteers from nominees from 173 public schools. As the 2017 Florida Blue Duval County Teacher of the Year, 棕色(的) will go on to compete for the statewide title.

布朗是教育事业的捍卫者,他展现了一名高效教师的所有品质. She is passionate about learning and often spends many hours beyond the work day, preparing learning tasks or activities to meet the needs of her students. 棕色(的) consistently demonstrates exemplary leadership qualities. She serves as the anchor of her grade level and the STEM committee as the chair. In recognition of high quality instruction in the classroom, 她被总监Iranetta Wright指定为DTO转型地区的模范教师.

As a teacher leader, Latrece serves as the chairperson for the 4th grade team. 她表现出对课程内容的深刻理解,并与她的团队合作,在课堂上计划和提供严格的教学. As a member of a few committees, Ms. 布朗一手策划了STEM周、FSA家长之夜和学校的动员会. She is truly the “cheerleader” of Andrew A. 罗宾逊和她积极的举止和个性使她成为她所在大楼里“最受欢迎”的教员.

她不仅是一位杰出的老师,也是家长们的宝贵资源. 她在Facebook上创建了一个封闭的小组页面,帮助家长理解她所教授的数学概念. 每周,她都会现场示范解决各种问题的策略,或者实时回顾家长和学生经常遗漏的问题. Because of her ability to think outside the box, Ms. 棕色(的) has created a firestorm at the school as it relates to the Facebook page. 其他班级的学生和家长经常要求提供参加小组的信息.

棕色(的) is charismatic and creative. She has shown classroom management skills and develops a rapport with students, colleagues and parents that is characterized by mutual respect. Beyond her strengths as a math teacher, she is also a talented sports enthusiast. She works to see the whole child be developed.

“激情, 奉献, 我们的老师每天都在努力帮助学生在课堂上和生活中表现出色,他们对卓越的承诺是最好的服务榜样,他们改善了我们的社区,为孩子们带来了最好的结果,而不管他们遇到什么障碍. On behalf of Duval County Public Schools, it is my honor to congratulate Latrece 棕色(的) and all of the teachers of the year!”医生说。. 尼古拉P. Vitti, Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools.






of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.

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