


JACKSONVILLE — Several Duval County public school teachers have been selected for the 辛迪·埃德尔曼 Excellence in Education Fellowship for 2023 and will be embarking on trips and undertaking projects designed to connect lessons to students and improve student and community outcomes.

杰克逊维尔高地小学老师玛丽亚·佩里曼说 plans to participate in a Haitian immersion program to learn the language and culture of the Haitian community to better serve Haitian students and their families. 在她的申请中, 派瑞说, “来自海地的移民是杰克逊维尔的第五大移民来源, FL. 在我们学校, many of our ESOL [English for Speakers of Other Languages] students speak Spanish and a few speak Haitian Creole. We only have one teacher who speaks Spanish fluently and none who speak Haitian Creole to communicate with students and family.”

“This project will help me to meet this growing population of students at their levels of academic and English language proficiency because failure to do so not only 这不仅伤害了学生,也影响了学校专业人员的士气。.

河城科学院创新老师洛根 戴维斯 plans to join Ecology Project International (EPI) in their specialized “living laboratory”' in the Galapagos Islands to create an in-depth science curriculum that encourages students to engage, 探索, 解释, 精心制作的, 和评估.

在她的申请中, 戴维斯指出, “Part of this program also requires that I research and reach out to local/community-based conservancy programs. I plan to pursue this further and forge a relationship between these programs and my school. I envision our students getting to meet and interview these scientists and CEOs and maybe even attend a field trip so our students can be exposed to a real 职业生涯 in ecology and conservation.”

Arlene Cameron-Lloyd是R小学的一名幼儿园教师.L. 布朗英才学院, plans to improve the school and community nutritional outcomes by developing local urban agricultural programs to increase student and community access to fresh produce. Cameron-Lloyd will travel to Tortola to discover ways in which Green VI’s research and work in agricultural science is advancing healthier communities. She intends to use what she learns to help her students and school increase the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables through the school gardens. 除了, she envisions selling their produce at the Riverside Arts Market for the community to enjoy. 

“我将学习四个学校花园是如何成功实施的, 探索生态公园花园, and obtain firsthand knowledge at Good Moon Organic farms where ethnobotany practices are being preserved by Tortola’s small farms and individuals,卡梅伦-劳埃德在她的申请中说. “The activities of this project will improve my knowledge of agricultural sciences to support ongoing opportunities for myself and those I serve.”

一位阅读教练和四位来自派恩代尔小学的老师 will use the fellowship opportunity to become reading experts and support the teaching of phonological awareness and phonics in kindergarten and first grade and teaching of phonics, 词汇表, 二年级的理解力. 这个团队, 由阅读教练克拉丽莎·冈萨雷斯带领, will participate in professional development at the Crane Center at the University of Ohio to research proven methods for teaching children to read.

在申请中,她说. 冈萨雷斯说, “Students who struggle in school often do not like school because it can bring frustration, 焦虑甚至羞愧. 我希望所有的学生在校内外都能取得成功. 提高阅读成绩将使我们的学生能够小组合作, 领导小组, and share their learning with the students in their class as well as with others outside of the classroom.” 

这些学习经历是由慈善家辛迪和丹·埃德尔曼促成的, who established a permanent fund at 佛罗里达东北部社区基金会 to provide professional development opportunities for K-12 teachers in public and charter 学校 in Duval County. Dan 埃德尔曼发起了这个奖学金, 哪个会永远存在, 来纪念他的妻子辛迪, 一位充满激情的公共教育斗士. The 辛迪·埃德尔曼 Excellence in Teaching Fellowship is intended to identify and reward excellence in teaching and support a program of professional development or research, 最高可提供6美元,每位教师500美元或10美元,每支教师队伍000元. The bwin时时彩平台 (JPEF) administers the fellowship in partnership with 佛罗里达东北部社区基金会.

辛迪·埃德尔曼, a former art history educator who has been deeply involved with JPEF and who chaired its 董事会 in 2012 and 2013, 亲自到获奖者所在的学校宣布获奖结果.

“当我在教AP艺术史的时候, 我的丈夫丹看到了专业发展对我作为一名教师的成长有多重要. 结果是, 几年后, 他创立这个协会让我很惊讶, which recognizes the need for public school teachers in Duval County to have opportunities for professional growth,”她说。. “Having 佛罗里达东北部社区基金会 and the bwin时时彩平台 as partners has also added to the high quality of the experience.”

由爱德曼家族组成的评选委员会, 前教师和社区领袖每年挑选奖学金获得者. 奖学金的一个关键组成部分是经验对学生的影响, 学校, 更广泛的社区.

“作为一个委员会, we’re looking for projects that are going to develop teachers’ understanding of subject areas, 同时也加深学生的参与和理解,”太太说。. 埃德尔曼. “Professional development should be transformative for teachers, students and the broader community.”

Teachers who would like to learn more about the eligibility criteria and consider applying for next year’s fellowships can visit dftractor.com/edelman.

“JPEF is honored to be part of this incredible opportunity for public school teachers in Duval County to bring their leadership to the next level,JPEF总裁雷切尔·图特维勒·福琼说. “当我们投资于教师,我们投资于孩子和杰克逊维尔更光明的未来.”


The bwin时时彩平台 is an independent 501(c)(3) organization that is working to close the opportunity gap for low-income students and students of color in Duval County. We believe public 学校 in Duval County have made tremendous progress over the last ten years, 但是我们不能停止工作,直到每个学生都为大学的成功做好准备, 职业生涯, 和生活. 因为优秀的人才造就了优秀的学校, 我们投资培养和装备学校领导, 教师领导和家长领导在学校质量方面的最佳实践. 欲了解更多信息:xbaqob.dftractor.com.


佛罗里达东北部社区基金会, 佛罗里达历史最悠久,规模最大的社区基金会, 致力于推动慈善事业,建设更美好的社区. 基金会帮助捐赠者明智地投资他们的慈善捐赠, 帮助非营利组织有效地为该地区服务, 并帮助人们聚集在一起,使社区变得更美好. 创建于1964年, 自成立以来,该基金会已获得超过6.95亿美元的赠款, 并在2021年达到顶峰时管理着超过6.3亿美元的资产. 在jaxcf了解更多信息.org.





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